For a Citimortgage Fannie Mae Traditional Loan Modification, Does the Loan Need to Have Been Originated before January 1, 2009?

by Anessa
(Chicago, IL)

I purchased my home in October, 2008. In April, 2009, I refinanced my loan. In November, 2009 I lost my job and applied for a modification. My loan is with Citimortgage and Fannie Mae is the lender. For a year I have been trying to get a traditional modification with Citimortgage. After a year of calling them 1-2 times a year, they have given me a final denial saying that I do not qualify because I refinanced in April 2009 and the loan must have originated before January 1, 2009. This is the first time they ever mentioned this criteria. Is this true? Does the fact that my original loan started in October 2008 change the situation at all?

Thanks for any comments or help.

Mortgage Loan Modification Answer:

The fact that your loan is with Fannie Mae is one of the criteria for the HAMP loan modification program, and that is probably why CitiMortgage is qualifying you according to the HAMP guidelines. This is just speculation on my part however.

As far as I know, banks have discretionary guidelines when it comes to in-house or traditional loan modifications. If the origination date (after January 1, 2009) is one of their in-house modification qualifiers, then you may be subject to that.

However, there is a chance that the CitiMortgage rep you spoke with is misinformed. Believe me, it wouldn't be the first time. My first mortgage is with CitiMortgage, and I have first hand experience with the poorly trained and misinformed reps they have at their loss mitigation department.

As for your second question, the origination date of the current loan is what matters. Even if your original loan was originated in 2008, the current loan was a refinance in April 2009, and that is the date that your lender will go by.

If you need further assistance, I have been referring friends and family to a reputable no upfront fee loan modification company who has successfully helped hundreds if not thousands of people. You may want to go ahead and inquire with them if they've ever been able to get a loan modification approved with CitiMortgage for a loan originated after January 1, 2009. There is no obligation to sign up, and at the very least, you will get some free, professional advise as to how to proceed from here. Click here to contact this company.

All the best to you!

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Jul 30, 2011
Citi/BA/Wells/Chase short sale incentives
by: Dean

Thanks Joe!

As of July 28 it has been confirmed that Citi is offering up to $20,000 to homeowners for successful completion of short sales. Amount vary based on individual circumstances and needs to complete the short sale.

Jul 30, 2011
Loan origination date
by: Anonymous

How strict are the banks when it come to loan origination date? I purchase my house Jan 15 2009. 6 months later I began loosing hours at my job. As a result my income was reduced. Do you think the bank will modify my loan? Or do you think they will not modify my loan because I don't meet the loan origination criteria? Please help me! Thanks.

Jul 30, 2011
Loan origination date
by: Anonymous

How strict are the banks when it come to loan origination date? I purchase my house Jan 15 2009. 6 months later I began loosing hours at my job. As a result my income was reduced. Do you think the bank will modify my loan? Or do you think they will not modify my loan because I don't meet the loan origination criteria? Please help me! Thanks.

Mar 25, 2011
by: joe

Check out this site a lot of good information!

Nov 28, 2010
Additional Comments Citi Fanie Mae Origination after January 1, 2009
by: Dean

My experience is that you apply for modification under HAMP as if the origination was before Jan 1, 2009 and then you get a denial letter. Never mind the fact this may take serveral months.

Once you have the formal denial you are eligable for the traditional in-house programs. I went to Citi Mortgage's web site and they claim to have programs available on line and completing the workdheets will help determine the option that is right for you. Have you logged into your account on line; completed the steps?

If you have any question, please feel free to post again. You can also search my name "dean" to list my posts with helpful links and suggestions. Best of Luck.

St Louis

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