Does a 2nd Mortgage Have to be Late or In Default to be Modified Under 2MP

by Dan

2MP HAMP Question: Does a 2nd have to be late or in default to be modified under 2MP.?

Mortgage Loan Modification Answer:

The answer is No. Your second mortgage does not have to be late or in default to be modified under 2MP. In order to qualify, you need only to follow the 2MP HAMP Guidelines to be considered for this program.

If you meet all the criteria listed in the link above for 2MP, you can move forward with your application right away.

If you need guidance on how to put together the best submission package and how to effectively negotiate the best loan modification deal, here's a Do It Yourself Loan Modification Kit that is full of insider's tips and strategies used to train loan mod professionals. It's the only one I have chosen to recommend:

Do It Yourself Loan Modification KitDIY Loan Modification Kit

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